Moncrief Furnace Manuals
Come search for any parts. 115 Volt Furnace Inducer Blower Motor (Coleman, Luxaire, Moncrief Furnace. OR use the Search Box. Some history of the Moncrief furnace. 87006206-Industrial-Press-2012.pdf - Download as PDF File. Setting Part Zero.Improved index for better search of topics. Moncrief.Overall Equipment. Free eBook and manual for. Heating with an Old Octopus Furnace. January 17, 2014 by Ken Roginski 99 Comments. New rapidshare premium account. 1941 Octopus Furnace. Asbestos insulated octopus arms (ducts) supply heat to rooms. They even saved the instruction manual (link at end of article) explaining how to put the furnace together and light the coal on fire.
So, I found this manual that seems to fit what I have and the information seems reasonable for my 1,600sq. ft. home.
Moncrief Furnace Parts
Page 3 has a breakdown which yields this:
I think the 'A' represents the build year, but I can't seem to find where that is denoted.
It doesn't matter a whole lot-- I'm looking at replacing the unit* and I have the flow direction, BTU/MBH, and CFM of the existing unit. I am just curious-- and if I've made mistakes above, I'd be grateful to have them pointed out.
* 1 MBH is usually 1000 BTU/hr so in my application it would likely be 100,000 BTU/hr
** Don't worry, I'll be paying a pro to do it-- just want to go into it quasi informed.